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Viktigheten av optimal ernæringsbehandling og klinisk veiledning hos barn med ADHD

Så mange som 75% av barn med ADHD opplever positive resultater fra medisinsk behandling. Men opptil 20 % får den medisinske behandlingen avbrutt på grunn av appetitt- og vekttap.*

En behandlingstilnærming som inkluderer ernæringsbehandling kan bidra til å forhindre uønsket seponering av medisiner, og forbedre den generelle livskvaliteten for både barnet og familien.

Nutricia inviterer til et webinar med internasjonale eksperter med formål om å gi en dypere forståelse for de ernæringsmessige utfordringene og viktigheten av ernæringsbehandling for barn med ADHD



Webinaret er rettet mot helsepersonell som jobber med barn med ADHD i klinisk praksis


  • Velkommen og introduksjon av moderator Dr. Gillian Harris
  • ADHD; atferdsegenskaper og ernæringsmessige utfordringer Dr. Ingrid Rasmuson
  • Klinisk erfaring med ernæringsrelaterte problemer med ADHD-medisiner Drs. Irene Hofmeijer og klinisk ernæringsfysiolog, Esther van Ruijven
  • Ernæringsbehandling av barn med ADHD og (i risiko for) underernæring
  • Spørsmål og svar med ekspertpanel og oppsummering
    ved Dr. Gillian Harris


Dr. Gillian Harris

Dr. Gillian Harris

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Ingrid Rasmuson

Dr. Ingrid Rasmuson

MD, Senior Consultant in Paediatrics

Drs. Irene Hofmeijer

Drs. Irene Hofmeijer


Esther van Ruijven

Esther van Ruijven

Paediatric dietician & co-owner of Nutrition Consultancy VIE

Les om Dr. Gillian Harris

Dr. Gillian Harris has carried out research into infant and child feeding behaviour and appetite regulation at the University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, UK, for the past 38 years. She was also a Consultant Paediatric Clinical Psychologist for 30 years, and led a feeding clinic at The Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK, where she worked with infants and children who were food averse. She now runs a private clinical service for children and adults with Avoidant and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) many of whom have co-morbid ASD or ADHD. Her specific research and clinical interest is the development of food acceptance and rejection in early infancy and later childhood, and the effect of early experience on later food preferences. She has written around 100 published papers, articles and book chapters on these areas, and been awarded multiple research grants to support her research. She has also made many media appearances, both on television and radio. Her latest book, on Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, was published in 2017.

Les om Drs. Irene Hofmeijer

Drs. Irene Hofmeijer has been a general paediatrician for 20 years and has a special interest in social paediatrics; in particular ADHD for the past 15 years. After the doctor’s degree, she specialized in paediatrics at Erasmus MC and later worked as a pediatrician in Voorburg, Zoetermeer and at Bronovo hospital. In Bronovo hospital, she led the ADHD outpatient clinic for ten years, in a dual role as paediatrician and psychologist. In 2010, she founded the ADHD practice Pietje Bell together with Britt Bakker; here children are treated for ADHD and co-morbidities.

Les om Dr. Ingrid Rasmuson

Dr. Ingrid Rasmuson is a peadiatrics specialist since 1990, with extensive clinical experience of the area of ADHD and other neuropsychiatric disorders in children. She has more than 30 years of experience in pediatrics, of which 26 years in neuropsychiatric investigations and almost 20 years in pharmaceutical treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders in children. Dr. Rasmuson has extensive experience in working with eating disorders in children, including anorexia nervosa as well as obesity. She has held a position at a pediatric clinic in the Stockholm area since 1986. From 2020 she holds a position at the IDUN pediatric outpatient clinic in Stockholm city, managing children 0-18 years, including investigations and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD. Her interest is particularly focused on the interaction, pedagogy and compliance in the clinical setting and her professional practice. Since the 1990’s, often invited as speaker/lecturer regarding e.g. eating disorders, neuropsychiatry and allergy diseases.

Les om Esther van Ruijven

After working as a food technologist for 15 years, Esther started studying nutrition and dietetics. She has now been working as a dietitian in primary care for 9 years and she has specialized as a pediatric dietitian. She enjoys helping children with food allergies, abdominal pain, underweight and critical eating behavior.


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*Referanser: Christoffersen MN, et al. SFI – Det nationale forskningscenter for velfærd 2011; 11:14. Frank E, et al. J Clin Psychiatry 2015;76:e1459-68. Clavenna A, et al. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:866-72.

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